Education & Workshops

Certified Willow End of Life Educator®

Making sense of life and death impacts both the way we live and the way we die.

People in their dying days often speak of enormous growth and transformation while contemplating death. 

Anyone who has had a near death experience will tell us of how in the face of death they discovered what gives their life meaning. 



Coming to terms with the fact that we are here for a finite amount of time is one of THE most powerful tools for inspiring us to love and live fully.






My workshops are grounded in the process of coming to an understanding of this. 


Diving into the work of preparing, planning, and consciously contemplating your mortality will move you towards a greater sense of peace around inevitable death. 


As a certified Willow End of Life Educator®I will guide you safely into this empowering and often avoided area of life.  


I offer two Willow workshops®:

A 5-Minute Legacy Love Letter®


7 Tools for Making Sense of Life and Death®



5-Minute Legacy Letter®

What’s a Legacy Love Letter®

You may have heard of terms like Spirit Will, Legacy Letter or Ethical Will.  

This letter is a lasting messages to people you care about and future generations.

A Legacy Love Letter® is something you write to an individual or specific group of people, like a family member or friend, your grandchildren or siblings.

It’s written as if it’s the last communication that someone is going to have from you.

We want to be clear that the word “love” is in there for a reason. It’s not the place where you work out your issues. This letter provides a tangible memory of the love that you had for this person. 

If you have issues to work out, write that letter first (and maybe many times!), so that you can get it off your chest, and then write your Legacy Love Letter®.¹ 

I offer this workshop in person or via zoom. Depending on how it is delivered time may vary however it will be a workshop that we would spend about 2 hours working on.

Please bring a pen and a journal.  

 ¹ Registered Trademark of Willow End of Life Education and Planning. Used under license.

What You Need To Know About Yourself To Make Your Perfect End Of Life Plans

You would think that by the time your attention has been directed towards planning for end of life, whether you are preplanning, have received a life limiting diagnosis or have chosen MAID - you would know yourself very well.


This may indeed be the case but for some a deeper dive into an accurate awareness of the very things that have made you tick throughout your life thus far will be invaluable in creating meaningful options for your legacy projects, care during the dying process and after death rituals.


The time to begin on this journey of self discovery is always right now.


Being prepared for end of life can allow us to live life more fully. Being fully aware and in touch with our core values is an essential first step.


This workshop is equally important and applicable to all of us regardless of where we are on life’s journey.


Please join us and gain important insights that will allow you to live the rest of your days as your best life.


    This course is the foundation or container for all realistic end of life planning.

    It will help you explore the reality of your mortality, refine end of life planning priorities, name core values and clearly identify your hopes and fears for your inevitable death, dying and after death care.

    The process of self-reflection and personal discovery impacts both the way we live and the way we die. People who have taken this workshop say it is "full of powerful questions, this beautiful inquiry brought me deeper into my heart--which is where is want to live from--more in the present and creating my future with sacred intentions."


    This workshop can be delivered in person or via zoom, in small groups or privately.  

    Depending on how it is delivered time may vary however it will be a workshop that we would spend 2 hours working on.

    Workbooks will be provided for in person workshops. A journal and pen would be ideal. Workbook can also be filled in on line.


    This workshop is a paid workshop.  Price upon consultation. 




    No matter what you believe happens after you die, while we are here on this planet it is for a limited period of time - let's live it to the fullest! 


    It's okay to acknowledge the precious, precarious, and finite nature of this life.

    And let's face it - no matter how we define ourselves alive, someday, one day -  you never know when, the people you hold near and dear are going to die. I am going to die. You are going to die.


    The questions for you are...

    What does life and death mean to me?

    How do I want to die?

    How do I want to live?

    How do I want to be remembered? 

    Am I ready? 



    COVID has brought the certainty that we can and will die to the forefront of daily life since 2019, worldwide, in a way nothing else has.  Individuals and communities have faced illness, death and grief... so much grief. 


    Work with me and I will facilitate exercises that will expand your process of self reflection. 



    The process of self-reflection, personal discovery, and planning will positively impact your life right now and the way you think about death.  There is no doubt about it.